Typically, the two major objectives for administrators, when conducting classroom observations, are to enhance teaching and, thus, to enhance student learning.

Research indicates that one of the most effective ways to achieve these two objectives is to utilize a clear, concise, written framework that highlights essential components of effective teaching.

The following set, of two templates, functions as a guide and record to, almost immediately, help administrators conduct effective classroom observations by:
1)  Clearly itemizing essential teaching-learning strategies
2)  Grouping the essential strategies into a workable framework
3)  Providing a user-friendly method of informing instructors as to the teaching strategies for which they will be observed, rated, and held accountable
4)  Establishing a uniform method, or standard,  for communicating ways to enhance the teaching-learning process.

Both Templates Contain:
  • Digital file:  to adapt/print the 8 1/2″ x 11″ template
  • Heading:  adaptable to your institution’s name and logo
  • Footer:  (c) 2012 Victoria Nesnick with Permission for {the name of] Your Institution to Duplicate and/or Adapt
  • Unlimited use by each administrator in your institution who is responsible for conducting classroom observations
  • Space for:  Observer’s Comments and Signature
  • Space for:  Instructor’s Reflections and Signature
The Detailed 4-Page Template Contains:
  • 76 Criteria organized into 9 components/categories
    1)  Introduction to the Lesson
    2)  Effective Teaching Strategies
    3)  Learning Assessment Strategies
    4)  Closing Strategies
    5)  Evidence of Pre-Planning
    6)  Classroom Atmosphere
    7)  Instructor-to-Student Rapport
    8)  Student-to-Instructor Rapport
    9)  Student-to-Student Rapport
  • 6 Level Rating Scale
    1 = Ineffective
    2 = Needs Improvement
    3 = Meets Expectation
    4 = Exceeds Expectation
    5 = Far Exceeds Expectation
    N = Not Observed
The Abridged 2-Page Template Contains:
  • 44 Criteria organized into 5 components/categories:
    1)  Introduction to the Lesson
    2)  Teaching-Learning Strategies
    3)  Classroom Atmosphere
    4)  Evidence-Based Assessment Strategies
    5)  Effective Closing Strategies
  • 3 Level Rating Key
    Check Mark = Observed
    N = Not Observed
    I = Improvement Requested

Click to Contact Dr. Nesnick
Phone:  (631) 889-2178


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