Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Cards

Creating a well-constructed rubric can be very time consuming, but it is well worth the investment.  Rubrics may be used as both a teaching and an assessment tool, particularly if provided to students at the time the assignment is given.

Each of the 4 Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card is 8 1/2″ x 11″ and double sided.

They may be purchased for:
$30 per card, or
$100 for a set of 4 different titles


A Set of 4 Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Cards
  • Creating and Using Scoring Rubrics
  • Oral Presentations
  • PowerPoint Presentations
  • Online Discussion Boards

One Set of 4 Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Cards (the 4 different titles listed above) is $100


Creating and Using Scoring Rubrics:
Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card

Side 1
Purpose of Instructional and Assessment Rubrics
6 Basic Components of Well-Constructed Rubrics
10 Steps to Create Original Rubrics

Side 2
14 Ways Rubrics Benefit Professors
14 Ways Rubrics Benefit Students

Creating and Using Scoring Rubrics:  Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card:  $30 each


Oral Presentations:
Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card

Side 1
Tips for Delivering Oral Presentations

Side 2
Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric
20 Components (Criteria) divided into
3  Major Categories measured against
3 Levels of Proficiency (Gradations of Quality):
– Unacceptable
– Acceptable
– Target
based on a total score of 100%

Oral Presentations:  Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card:  $30 each


PowerPoint Presentations:
Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card

Side 1
Tips for Creating PowerPoint Presentations

Side 2
PowerPoint Scoring Rubric
19 Components (Criteria) divided into
7 Major Categories measured against
4 Levels of Proficiency (Gradations of Quality):
A = Exemplary (Exceeded expectations)
B = Commendable (Met expectations)
C = Satisfactory (Nearly met expectations)
D = In Progress (Did not meet expectations)
based on a total score of 100%

PowerPoint Presentations:  Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card:  $30 each


Online Discussion Boards:
Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card

Side 1
Tips for  Online Creating Discussion Boards

Side 2
Online Discussion Boards Scoring Rubric
17 Components (Criteria) divided into
5  Major Categories (worth 5  points each)
measured against
4 Levels of Proficiency (Gradations of Quality):
A = Excellent
B = Good
C = Acceptable
D = Below Required
based on a total score of 25 points

Online Discussion Boards:  Reproducible Scoring Rubrics Card:  $30 each


Click to Contact Dr. Nesnick
Phone:  (631) 889-2178

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